
Flag of Ngardmau State


The Circle in the center of the flag

It is 'O', the first letter of the old name of Ngardmau, Ongedechuul.

The picture of the Water Flowing inside the circle

It represents the Ngardmau waterfall. It is the tallest waterfall of Palau and it is one of the contributing sources of revenue to Ngardmau.

The picture of the Mountain inside the circle

It depicts or represents the tallest mountain of Palau, which is in Ngardmau. This mountain is called Ngerchelchuus.

The White Bird

It is “Kedam” frigate bird. The color of the bird is white which symbolizes the peaceful state of the village from the ancient to the present time.

The Seven Red Stripes

They indicate that Ngardmau was conquered seven times.

The Seven Yellow Stripes

They represent the seven pieces of Palauan money that were given to the conquerors so that Ngardmau could be restored to its peaceful lifestyle.

The Three Stars

They represent the three hamlets which are Urdmang, Ngerutoi and Ngetbong.
